Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Okay, so I'm obviously an awful blogger when school starts back up. I haven't been at school due to training since last Thursday. I miss my babies! I won't be back until this Friday. I think I might cry before then....mainly because I miss them, but some because the workshops are so boring!

I am overwhelmed. I'm ready for a sense of normalcy. Does that ever come? Maybe! Soon, I hope!

Here is a sneak peak into my room. One day, I'm going to do a tour! It will probably be next week since I am only there one day this week! 

Hope everyone is having a great week!!! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

2 weeks!

Can't believe we've been in school two whole weeks! But then again, I can! My kids are wonderful (hopefully we all think that)! Of course, there is always one or two that like to push our buttons, but I still love them!

Last week, we focused on our names. We made name trains, name rockets, practiced writing our names, etc. etc.

This week, are focusing on Chicka Chika Boom-Boom! It is one of my favorite books! I will be sure to take pictures of what we've done/will be doing so my posts aren't so boring :) 

Hope you had a great llooonnnggg weekend!