I feel so honored to have been nominated for the Liebster award by Brittany and Melanie (my name too)! Today, I am answering Brittany's questions and tomorrow, I will answer Melanie's.

To accept this award I must:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees
6. Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them
- What's your best piece of advice for a first year teacher? Have fun and remember to breathe! Don't forget that you have a life outside of the classroom (I still have to remind myself of this). Be nice to everyone :)
- What's your favorite teacher website? Pinterest ;) for myself and I really like adventuretofitness.com to keep this kids active!
- What is your dream job? I really believe that I am living my dream job! I don't dread going to work!
- What's your favorite subject or topic to teach and why? MATH! I absolutely love teaching math! It's hands-on, and there are so many ways to teach one concept!
- What's your favorite food? anything Italian (and of course chocolate) :)
- When did you know that you wanted to be a teacher? I knew growing up that I wanted to be a teacher, from a very young age. It was just part of who I was!
- What do you like to do during the summer? rest, rest, rest haha Besides resting, I like to shop, play with my nephews, go on trips, etc. Oh & I plan for the next year!
- Who's your hero and why? My dad is my hero. My biological mom passed away when I was five, and he stepped up to the plate and never looked back. He has taught me so many things, and always to believe in my dreams. He married a wonderful woman, who has always treated me like her own!
- What's your favorite organizational tool? all sorts of buckets :)
- What's the best pin you've pinned on Pinterest? There are too many to name! So, go check out my Kindergarten Board and feel free to follow me!
- How you do you start off the school year? 99 MPH (haha). I start it with a smile, focusing on getting to know my students. I have to find out where they are so I know where to go!
11 Facts About Me
1. I love the Gilmore Girls. I am actually watching an episode now that was recorded.
2. The next two weeks, I will be teaching "Kindergarten Bootcamp." It is basically a preview for Kindergarten.
3. I am enjoying figuring out this whole blog thing. My goal is to learn something new each week.
4. I don't know how my classroom would be ready with out my husband and parents!
5. I taught 3rd grade the past two years, but I am looking forward to the change!
6. My Kindergarten teacher is still near and dear to my heart. We meet every so often for lunch and she comes and reads to my class!
7. I got married a year ago on June 30th. I am a very lucky girl!
8. I love to watch my students learn and want to learn more.
9. I have two nephews.
10. I go to Target 2-3 times a week. It's so bad that they know me by name.
11. I am a big sweets eater.
12. I have so many projects going on this summer, it's not even funny :) Am I the only one?
My nominations:
So, I'm a rule breaker. I guess I don't deserve the reward haha BUT, I have looked for an hour for blogs that have less than 200 followers and haven't been nominated. So, if you read my blog, and want to be nominated, LEAVE ME A COMMENT, and you can help me not be such a bad rule breaker :)
I hope you have a great week!!!
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