Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Classroom Tour

Here are some pictures of my classroom. Ignore the mess. I just consider that a sign that learning is taking place.

This is my letter wall. I got the idea from Kinder-Craze. It has brought a lot of life to my cabinets too! 

Shapes, Books, and Computers

My birthday wall.

Cabinets before the letters

The front of my room. 

Behavior chart.

I just realized that I didn't take any of the other side of my room, so those will be coming soon! 

Hope everyone is having a great week! This is our Community Helpers week, so we are having lots of fun!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Horrible Blogger - That's Me!

Wow! It's October 1st and I can't tell you the last time I blogged! I kept thinking that I would write and well, it just didn't happen.

I've been asked 100's of times how I like Kindergarten. Well, I like it. I really do, but I'm exhausted! I know it's going to get better! I am surviving to say the least :)

Last week, we did lots of apple activities for Johnny Appleseed day! We even baked an apple pie. I used my grandmother's recipe and it turned out great! 

I was out one day last week, and one of my little boys decided to color all over the floor. Let's just say he got to clean it up with a magic eraser the next day :)

We made these apples and they make our room so bright and fun! We colored coffee filters, sprayed a little water on them to spread the color, and let them dry. I then used the die cut machine to cut out the apples! 

I hope everyone has been doing great! My goal (and I'm going to reach it) is to write twice a week! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Okay, so I'm obviously an awful blogger when school starts back up. I haven't been at school due to training since last Thursday. I miss my babies! I won't be back until this Friday. I think I might cry before then....mainly because I miss them, but some because the workshops are so boring!

I am overwhelmed. I'm ready for a sense of normalcy. Does that ever come? Maybe! Soon, I hope!

Here is a sneak peak into my room. One day, I'm going to do a tour! It will probably be next week since I am only there one day this week! 

Hope everyone is having a great week!!! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

2 weeks!

Can't believe we've been in school two whole weeks! But then again, I can! My kids are wonderful (hopefully we all think that)! Of course, there is always one or two that like to push our buttons, but I still love them!

Last week, we focused on our names. We made name trains, name rockets, practiced writing our names, etc. etc.

This week, are focusing on Chicka Chika Boom-Boom! It is one of my favorite books! I will be sure to take pictures of what we've done/will be doing so my posts aren't so boring :) 

Hope you had a great llooonnnggg weekend!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Five For Friday Linky

Tonight, I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five For Friday.

1. I always forget how tiring the first week of school is. I was in bed by 9:30 every night (except one) this week and up at 5:50, but I am ready to sleep late in the morning!

2. Monday night, my ring finger started itching and then swelled about three times it's normal size. I got my engagement ring off but couldn't get my wedding band off. It is still swollen a little bit, but I was finally able to get my ring off yesterday. We think I was bitten by something, but have no idea what. All I could think about was that I couldn't miss any school :)

3. I have a good class! I have 9 girls and 7 boys. I do have my "rounders" but nothing out of the normal.

4. The jump from 3rd to Kindergarten is HUGE. I knew it was, but reality set in this week :) 

5. I left today without planning for next week (gasp), but my brain was so tired that I probably wouldn't have been that productive. So, I will be back tomorrow or Sunday. 

Hope everyone had a great week and gets some rest this weekend!  

Monday, August 19, 2013

The First Day

Whew! What a day! But a good day! Only 1/2 of my class was there today, and the other 1/2 will be tomorrow. It's still soooo tiring though! I forgot how bad my body ached after being on my feet all day. I forgot how tiring is to repeat myself 1000000 times. Okay, not that many, but you get the point :)

I tried writing earlier, and I was so exhausted I couldn't think. After a nap and supper, I am feeling a little better. Hope everyone had a great day (first day or school or not)!

Maybe I'll have something more interesting to share later this week :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tomorrow, Tomorrow!!!!

The first day of school is TOMORROW!!!!!!!

I think I'm ready!

*The Gingerbread Man is cooked.
* The supplies are put up.
* The house is clean.
* The lunch is about to be made.
* The outfit is picked out.
* The Kissing Hand cookies are made.

If you go back tomorrow, good luck!! If you don't go back tomorrow, enjoy the last couple of weeks before school! I will be back with a full report tomorrow!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Made it

Today, I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made-It.

One of my favorite school supplies are Crayola Crayons. Yes, I am a firm believer that they need to be Crayola. The other's break, and don't color well. My first year teaching I made a crayon wreath. The next year I had to re-do it with my new last name. Last year, I decided I'd make something with crayons to go out in the hall.

So, I made a "3," because I was teaching 3rd grade.

In May, I was so sad when I realized my "3rd" was no longer needed. So, I took all the crayons off and saved the canvas for a new creation. Can you guess what I made???

Yep! You guessed it! An Owl!!

It is now hanging out in the hall waiting to greet my students! Anything is possible with crayons, have fun!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Blogger Exchange

I had so much fun buying and receiving things for the blogger exchange! Nicki did such a good job buying my favorites! I'm so excited to use them!

I should have taken a better picture of the scarf! It is super cute and I can't wait to wear it! 

How cute is all the owl stuff? and the pens? and the planner? I'm absolutely in LOVE! Thank you so much Nicki!!!

She even remembered a card :) I got to the post office and realized I had totally forgotten a card so I had to write on the back of a label. (how lame) haha I will do better! 

Go check out all the stuff at The Linky!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday! I just got home from church and am now going to school to get stuff ready for Parent Orientation at 2 :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Recap

One more day and I will be back at school. I thought I would do a "Summer Recap," so I won't forget what I did this summer! 

For our 1 year anniversary, my husband and I traveled to Myrtle Beach, SC. We had a great time!

The Skywheel is so pretty!

We had pictures taken and used our wedding picture. Next year, we will use one of these pictures.

Absolutely loved how this turned out! I wanted it done on our Wedding Day, but forgot (imagine that). 

This is probably one of my favorites from all of the ones taken. 

On our way back from Myrtle Beach, we stopped in Charleston. After a little researching, I found websites with directions to the houses used in Army Wives. Any other fans out there?? This is Claudia Joy's house. The ivy is fake!!

Ignore the cheesy smile...this is Denise's house.

Rolin's could pick the houses out because all of the windows were boarded up!

At the Administration Building. They are all close together. They were working on this building, so I'm hoping there will be another season!

This is this past weekend at the Dixie Stampede. We had a great time in Gatlinburg!

I've started the back to school dreams. Well, I actually had a couple in July, but they stopped. Now, they've started again. I couldn't sleep past 7:30 this morning for thinking about all that I've got to do! My husband and I are going to the school tonight to do a few more things that I need his help with! Then, I have to report Friday morning. Adios Summer!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Made It

AHH! It's the last Monday before I head back to work. We go back on Friday (yes, Friday) so that we get a little longer at Christmas. We just got back from a last "hoorah" before school starts. We went with some of our best friends to Gatlinburg!

Now, on to Monday Made It. 

These are my books that I was going through in order to organize my library. I took out all of the chapter books and older kids books.

Neatly put back in "order." I had to print off more labels, so those are coming!

These are my books that I don't really let the kids use. They are the ones that I spent more that $1 on :)

I ran across my "Teenie Beanie Babies" this summer and thought these would be the best "reading buddies." We'll see how it goes!

This is really what I made :) I bought this table at a Thrift Store, got paint chips from Lowes, and modge podged them onto the table. I'm excited how it turned out! I still have to seal it!

My last three days of "freedom" are going to include the dentist (ugh), a massage, pedicure, resting, a few more projects, and who knows what else! 

Go see what everyone else made at Monday Made It!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back-To-School Linky

Is it really Thursday already??? Today, I'm linking up with Polka Dot Palace for a Back To School (hurts saying those words) mixer.


Random Facts About Me:

1) I do not like to watch commercials. DVR is my best friend. I will record a show and then start it 15 minutes after it started recording so I can fast forward through commercials.

2) I went to college 5 hours away from home. Some people thought I'd be back home after a semester, but I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to go back and get my masters, but am dreading having to do it online. 

3) My classroom is my escape from reality. I can go there and be in my "happy place." 

4) I worked two years as an aide before I got my first classroom. Being an aide has opened my eyes to what their job is really like. I learned a lot those two years that I've been able to use in my own classroom! God always has a plan!

5) I like to wash clothes (weird, I know), but I do not like to fold them. However, I do fold them as I take them out of the dryer, so that I don't have to worry about it later!

6) My mom is OCD in some ways, and so am I. 

7) I am so thankful that my husband understands all of my projects, crafts, afternoons spent in the classroom, etc. He even helps me with my ideas!

8) I do not like coffee. Instead, I drink diet mountain dew in the mornings. 

9) There is something about fresh garden green beans. This summer, I've helped my aunt pick, snap, and can them. They are the best green beans!

10) A tomato sandwich is one of my favorite things in the summer! 

I hope you have a great Thursday! I'm going to wash one more load of clothes, clean out my car, go eat/shopping with my best friend, have an Origami Owl party (have you seen their jewelry?), and enjoy another day of summer!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Made It

Happy Monday (okay, maybe it's not so happy, when I realized I only have one more after this one before I go back)! All summer long, the big blank bulletin board in the back of my room has haunted me. I didn't know what I wanted to do. Then, I saw this bulletin board on Mrs. Lee's Kinder Kids. It was an inspiration to me!! My theme is owls, so I knew I had to do it!

With many hours and lots of help from my friend/co-worker, we finished it!!

I am absolutely in love with it! Now, go link up with 4th Grade Frolics, and show us what you made!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

10 Things I've Learned From Teaching

Today, I'm linking up with Miss Kindergarten, with 10 things I've learned from teaching. Sorry I've been MIA the past few days, but I haven't sat down much (know that feeling?)...OH wait, we're teachers :)

1. Kids tell all. They tell all about their families, dogs, friends, mom's boyfriend, etc. etc. I don't believe everything :)

2. As their teacher, you are a constant in their life. For some, you are the only constant normal. Hug them everyday. Make sure they know you love them. 

3. Teach them manners, and make them use them. It will take them far in life.

4.  Repetition, Repetition, Repetition. They need it for everything. Some catch on faster than others. 

5. Be flexible. Just when you have the perfect day planned out, something will happen. A fire drill, a kid gets sick, an unplanned assembly, a tornado warning, etc. Always be prepared to have to finish it later.

6. Wear comfortable shoes. Need I say more?

7. I've learned to stay away from certain stores if I don't want to hear my name 25 times ;) 

8. Ask questions. Especially if something doesn't seem "right."

9. Smile. It really can make your day better and someone else's better too!

10. Yes, we are there to teach, but have fun doing it! Be a teacher that everyone wants to come back to or have!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Liebster Award Nominee!!!


To accept this award I must:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees
6. Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them

Read my posts below for all of my answers to the questions! I am writing 11 questions for my nominee, Mia at Diary of a Grumpy Teacher (how cute is that name)!


1) What grade do you teach? What is your favorite thing about that grade? least-favorite?
2) What is one thing you want each one of your students to learn?
3) What is your favorite thing to do not school related?
4) What is your classroom theme? 
5) Favorite tv show & movie?
6) When do you start back to school?
7) Do you keep snacks in your room for yourself? (chocolate, etc)
8) How many students do you average in your class?
9) Who is your role-model?
10) What have you done this summer?
11) What is one thing you look forward to about this school year?

Happy Friday! I am off to set up for a yard sale! We haven't had one in 2 years, so it is time!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Liebster Part 2

Thank you, Melanie, for nominating me for the Liebster award. See my post from yesterday for my first set of quesitons! 

1. If you weren't a teacher, what would you be? Probably a Pediatric Nurse. I really can't imagine being anything other than a teacher!
2. What is your favorite thing about your classroom? All of my bright colors (and owls). 
3. What do you like least about your classroom? some of the limitations such as can't put that there because that would be in the way (normal stuff)
4. What are you currently reading? I want to read Redeeming Love, but haven't downloaded it yet. 
5. How long have you been blogging? since July 1st
6. Pets? Funny you should ask. Growing up, I always had a cat outside. 4 years ago, my last cat died. Well, we decided to get a cat after we got married. It would be an inside cat. Let's just say, it didn't work out well. We are in the process of looking for him a new home or possibly us a new home that would have a backyard (we live in a townhouse). 
7. What school supply can't you live without? That's a tough question, but my husband would probably say COLORFUL pens. I did all my grading in different colors and loved it! I look at pens everywhere we go :)
8. What is your dream vacation destination? ITALY! Always has been. We hope to go for our 10 year anniversary. Only 9 more years to go!
9. What's on your summer bucket list? I think my biggest thing I wanted to do was to spend more time with family. So far, I have done that!
10. What is your "go to" blog? I am just really getting into faithfully following blogs, so that's a hard one to pick!
11. Favorite snack? anything sweet! I was craving ice cream earlier today! (I distracted myself with cleaning - lame, I know)!

11 More Facts:

1. I am extremely thankful for my teaching job! I know it's not easy to get one! I was an aide two years before I got my first job! God always provides!
2. I don't like thunderstorms. 
3. I have lived in the South all of my life, and wouldn't trade it! With that being said, I am a Auburn fan!
4. I met 5 of my students for the year today. They are attending "boot camp." I am loving getting to know them!
5. Getting up early was a rude reminder of what it will be like in a month. 
6. I have several hundred children's books, on all levels. Most were bought at yard sales or thrift stores.
7. One of my biggest pet peeves is for parents not to take care of their children. 
8. I sometimes fill my schedule way too much. I'm learning how to say no to some things.
9. My parents brought be duct tape tonight with owls on it. :)
10. I grew up playing softball and one of my favorite sports to watch is baseball!
11. One of my best friends is my 85 year old grandmother. I talk to her everyday!

I would be honored to nominate anyone! Let me know if you know someone because I still haven't found anyone with less than 200 followers (that hasn't been nominated), but would love to!  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Liebster Award

I feel so honored to have been nominated for the Liebster award by Brittany and Melanie (my name too)! Today, I am answering Brittany's questions and tomorrow, I will answer Melanie's. 


To accept this award I must:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees
6. Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them

  1. What's your best piece of advice for a first year teacher?  Have fun and remember to breathe! Don't forget that you have a life outside of the classroom (I still have to remind myself of this). Be nice to everyone :)
  2. What's your favorite teacher website? Pinterest ;) for myself and I really like to keep this kids active!
  3. What is your dream job? I really believe that I am living my dream job! I don't dread going to work!
  4. What's your favorite subject or topic to teach and why? MATH! I absolutely love teaching math! It's hands-on, and there are so many ways to teach one concept!
  5. What's your favorite food? anything Italian (and of course chocolate) :)
  6. When did you know that you wanted to be a teacher? I knew growing up that I wanted to be a teacher, from a very young age. It was just part of who I was!
  7. What do you like to do during the summer? rest, rest, rest haha Besides resting, I like to shop, play with my nephews, go on trips, etc. Oh & I plan for the next year!
  8. Who's your hero and why? My dad is my hero. My biological mom passed away when I was five, and he stepped up to the plate and never looked back. He has taught me so many things, and always to believe in my dreams. He married a wonderful woman, who has always treated me like her own!
  9. What's your favorite organizational tool? all sorts of buckets :) 
  10. What's the best pin you've pinned on Pinterest? There are too many to name! So, go check out my Kindergarten Board and feel free to follow me!
  11. How you do you start off the school year? 99 MPH (haha). I start it with a smile, focusing on getting to know my students. I have to find out where they are so I know where to go!

11 Facts About Me

1. I love the Gilmore Girls. I am actually watching an episode now that was recorded.
2. The next two weeks, I will be teaching "Kindergarten Bootcamp." It is basically a preview for Kindergarten.
3. I am enjoying figuring out this whole blog thing. My goal is to learn something new each week.
4. I don't know how my classroom would be ready with out my husband and parents!
5. I taught 3rd grade the past two years, but I am looking forward to the change!
6. My Kindergarten teacher is still near and dear to my heart. We meet every so often for lunch and she comes and reads to my class!
7. I got married a year ago on June 30th. I am a very lucky girl!
8. I love to watch my students learn and want to learn more.
9. I have two nephews.
10. I go to Target 2-3 times a week. It's so bad that they know me by name.
11. I am a big sweets eater. 
12. I have so many projects going on this summer, it's not even funny :) Am I the only one?

My nominations: 

So, I'm a rule breaker. I guess I don't deserve the reward haha BUT, I have looked for an hour for blogs that have less than 200 followers and haven't been nominated. So, if you read my blog, and want to be nominated, LEAVE ME A COMMENT, and you can help me not be such a bad rule breaker :)

I hope you have a great week!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gotta Slow Down :)

Wow! I was nominated for Liebster Award twice! I promise to do those posts later today or tomorrow!

I had a training for a new assessment we are doing this year two days this week, then I spent the evenings at school. I spent all day at school yesterday with my mom getting things ready for Monday (Kindergarten Bootcamp). I will be back up there finalizing things tomorrow!

Today, I have cleaned out stuff for the yard sale next Saturday, and am about to go to the grocery store. We are then going to visit my in-laws! So, once I slow down, I will be back to answer the questions from the award!

What does your weekend look like?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday Randomness

I figured it was time to share a little bit about me, so here are some random facts!

1. I married the love of my life on June 30, 2012. We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary in Myrtle Beach.

2. I was born and raised in Alabama. I have traveled many places, and there is no place like home!

3. I knew from a very early age that I wanted to be a teacher. I had an amazing Kindergarten teacher who has inspired me for a really long time!

4. I am obsessed with buying school supplies and anything with an owl. :)

5. I have two nephews. They are 9 and 7. They hold a very special place in my heart!

6. I taught 3rd grade for the past two years. In May, I found out that I would be teaching Kindergarten this coming August.

7. I am a Christian. I pray everyday that I will be the best teacher that I can be!

8. I sat through a training today for another assessment tool. I have to go back tomorrow. Don't they know I have a classroom to set up by Monday because we start Kindergarten Boot Camp?

9. Boot Camp is two weeks and just a preview of Kindergarten. Only two out of the seven teachers teach Boot Camp.

10. I am excited about starting a blog. Any tips are appreciated. Feel free to ask me any questions too :) 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Made It

This summer, I had (still have) a list of many things I want to make for my classroom! One of which were the "I Spy" bottles. I made one with numbers and one with letters. I am probably going to make at least one more of each because I have all of the stuff!

Step 1: Measure how much rice you will need for the bottle. I used the big gatorade bottles, but I also have a mayonnaise jar ready to be filled. So, any kind is fine. Just make sure to run it through the dishwasher and let it dry really good!

Step 2: Color the rice. I put the rice in a baggie with 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol and food coloring. The more food coloring you use, the brighter the color. I then put paper towels on top of a cooling rack and let it dry over night. 

I then used the funnel again to get the rice in the bottles. I used beads found at Hobby Lobby with letters and numbers. I will use the letter bottle in stations with an "I Spy" paper (another project). Make sure to hot glue the tops on, so they can't open them! (talk about a mess) :)

I plan to make one with sight words too! It is a pretty cheap project! 

Make sure to visit 4th Grade Frolics for more creative ideas! Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blog Hop

I am really excited about getting to be a part of blog hops now! With this certain blog hop, there is a give-a-way at A Teacher Without a Class. Teaching is a Gift has free posters! I am so excited to read new blogs and I hope you are too!
Teaching is a Gift

Share your wonderful teacher blogs with us!  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Being Productive

Do you have to-do lists a mile long? or 2 miles? I know the feeling! I think I'm too scared to write it all out in fear that it might be 2 miles long. BUT, I have been semi-productive the last few days! July is going to be a busy month, which I'm not really accepting yet considering school starts back in August!

Have you been productive lately? (Don't worry, I've had my lazy moments too). I have so many projects going on that laziness is not an option anymore!

Follow the link to bloglovin' to follow my blog! I am going to be sharing my classroom ideas/projects in the next week!

Follow Me!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!! Thank you all to who serve!
Some of my favorite lessons are ones teaching about American History! If only we were in school today! ;)
Today, my husband and I were low key due to very heavy rain. It was heavy enough that it flooded our street, but it did recede after a few hours!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I have been contemplating starting a teaching blog, and I have finally taken the leap! I can't wait to start sharing things I'm doing for my classroom this summer! Leave me some tips on the blog land :)